Our Biblical Training Workshops (BTWs) provide women with revelatory knowledge they need to be equipped spiritually and mentally for growth, stability and prosperity.

Most women in Africa are going through a lot of challenges as a result of their environmental factors, spiritual degradation, vulnerability and lack adequate knowledge of the Word. As a result, it has caused many to be depressed, heart broken in unhealthy relationships, frustrated and stressed, which causes doubt, fear, lack of confidence, and inadequacy. The lack of prayer and right spiritual approach with the Word had hindered many in understanding how to handle spiritual matters.

Based on these factors, the Lord appeared to Apostle Maria a vision in 2016, concerned about the spiritual condition of the hearts of many women in Africa and gave her a mandate to help them. Since then, Apostle Maria has demonstrated the power of the Holy Ghost through healings, transformation, deliverance, and spectacular miracles.

· The dead has been raised.
· Women have been delivered from the spirit of suicide.
· Women have been truly transformed from anger, bitterness and unforgiveness.
· Women have experienced miraculous healings in their bodies.
· Women have been inspired in their faith to do what they could not do before.
· Women have come to realize they are not alone, they have the Holy Ghost.
· Women have come to recognize they are more powerful in Christ then they knew.
· Women have come to live in the conscious of Christ.

Many homes had been mended. Many unhealthy relationships and marriages have been healed through the teachings of our woman of God, Apostle Maria. There are many testimonies across Africa about what God had done amidst them.

With over 70 plus chapters in Africa that include Ghana, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria, many are located in rural places and have hundreds of women (even men) in attendance on a weekly bases.

BTW manuals are translated weekly from English to Yoruba and Swahili, and are distributed to heads of chapters only to facilitate our workshops.

Our mission is to continue to expand to other countries in Africa like South Africa, Togo, Republic of Cotonou, etc. Therefore, we invite you to be a part of it. Partner with us in this great endeavor to penetrate more countries with the power of the Word to bring smiles to those hurting and encouragement to those in need.