Knowing that today’s children are invariably leaders of tomorrow, we have an obligation to build and train them to be strong, to stand for the truth, to have good morals and values, to be just and to be strong believers in Christ, so they may impact society at large.

With what has been happening in this present generation: moral decadence, the lack of prayer and the Word of God honored in our schools, many children have been negatively influenced. which enables the devil to rule in their lives. Whatever a child becomes affects the family, the neighborhood, the city, and the nation either positively or negatively.

” Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

Children’s Army of the Lord, (CAL) is a special initiative Apostle Maria has successfully begun in Uganda and Kenya. Our vision is to take it other parts of Africa and the USA.

Children are gathered on weekly basis and taught by Apostle Maria through special manuals guided by the Holy Ghost with instructions and teachings that are facilitated by trained leaders. Each week, through Apostle Maria’s teachings, we’re making a greater impact on the lives of those children who attend. Parents report how glad they are that their child(ren) is(are) a part of our program, because they witness spiritual growth in them.

During these workshops, children spend time in worship and in the Word, learning the importance of relationship with the Lord, as they are equipped with God’s knowledge in a way they can understand. They also do fun activities, get to nap, read books and play. Snacks are provided.

Kindly, we invite you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to partner with Apostle Maria in helping to raise God’s children, the Bible way, that’s preparing them to be great leaders.